1.) All workers must be fully-vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 at least weekly; 2.) Employers must provide paid time-off for employees to get vaccinated and to recover from any side effects; 3.) Unvaccinated workers are required to wear a face covering.
Several resources are available to assist businesses comply with and implement the standard. These include:
View OSHA COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing ETS: Summary & Explanation Here
View EEOC Issues Updated COVID-19 Technical Assistance on Religious Accommodations Here
COVID-19 Vaccination Information
ILLINOIS: Governor Pritzker
- Illinois Phase 5 | June 11, 2021
- Employers with employees on-site must post IDPH Workplace Safety Guidance
- View City of Chicago Department of Building's notice on Construction deemed an essential infrastructure exception.
- UPDATED: Workers' Compensation Fact SheetĀ
Payment Protection Program
National Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization Latest Updates
United States COVID-19 Interactive Maps
EEOC Allowing Temperature Checks
AGC of America Questionnaire and Tips
- DISCLAIMER: This is not to be construed as legal advice or a legal document.Ā Contractors should read and understand the specifics of the orders that apply to your particular projects.Ā It is difficult for a single standard letter to take all of the variations into proper account.
Posters forĀ Families First Coronavirus Response Act
OSHA Resources
Local Resources
Economic Assistance Resources
DOL Guidance for Families First Act
U.S. Small Business Administrationās Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
Payment Protection Program Info
Borrower Paycheck Protection Program Application
PPP Borrower Information Fact Sheet
Illinois COVID-19 Small Business Relief Program
Illinois Department of Commerce - Small Business Information
Jobsite/Office Sanitization Resources
Member Company Resources
Mortenson Construction - Best Practices for Face Coverings and PPE
Positive Test - Action Checklist
Construction Site Shutdown Checklist
Fastenal Jobsite Safety Solutions Guide
Coronavirus Contingency Planing
Lockton's Builder's Risk Guide to Temp. Construction Site Shutdowns
Pepper Construction Ventilation Resource
Open Occupational Health Clinics
Mental Health Resources
Basic Recommendations:
- Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If soap and running water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Employers should adapt infection-control strategies based on a thorough hazard assessment, using appropriate combinations of engineering and administrative controls, safe work practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent worker exposures.
- Avoid sharing tools if possible or disinfecting as needed (the same applies to the office area).
- Avoid sharing drinking containers.
- Evaluate and disinfect areas where your employees take breaks and eat their meals.