Build Illinois
The goal of Build Illinois is to educate our students, young people, and individuals seeking new career opportunities on the benefits of choosing a career in construction. was created and developed by the Chicagoland Construction Education & Training Foundation, a subsidiary of the Chicagoland AGC.
The construction industry offers opportunities to build a strong career without sinking into student debt that can take decades to pay off. Skilled construction tradesworkers can earn higher starting salaries than the average college graduate. The earning potential in construction is virtually unlimited, with many specialties to choose from and multiple opportunities for fast-track advancement.
This AGC series was designed to help you overcome challenges all emerging businesses face through a 12-part video series focused on helping your business grow and thrive. The Emerging Contractors Education Series is open to everyone, AGC members and non-AGC members for FREE!
Module 1: Company Organization
Module 2: Effective Leadership
Module 3: Insurance and Bonding
Module 4: Business Development
Module 5: Contracts
Module 6: Workplace Legal Compliance
Module 7: Financials and Cash Flow
Module 8: Bidding and Estimating
Module 9: Executive Management
Module 10: Scheduling
Module 11: Warehouse, Tools & Equipment
Module 12: Safety (4-Parts)
To access the AGC Emerging Contractors Education Series click the relevant button below
As part of our 2017 campaign, the Chicagoland Construction Education & Training Foundation delivered a series of 4 posters to over 500 Chicago area middle schools, high schools, and community colleges in an effort to increase awareness of the boundless opportunities offered by the construction industry. Since the release of these posters, a number of schools have contacted us to present at their career fairs. Email to request copies of posters.
Visit the page to learn about the typical progressions of apprenticeships, different opportunities in the trades, and why construction might be the perfect career path for you.